Sedation Dentistry

A comfortable and stress-free experience is attainable for patients who feel anxious or highly fearful about dental visits. At Sharp Smile Center, we have 3 options available depending on preference and anxiety severity: laughing gas, oral conscious (pill) sedation, and IV sedation. Our Greater Kalamazoo dentists have received specialized training to safely administer dental sedation, ensuring comfort and peace of mind so whether you’re here for a routine cleaning, a lengthy procedure, or struggle with a strong gag reflex, sedation can make your visit more pleasant and worry-free.

Learn more about the sedation dentistry services we offer below.

Our Approach to Dental Sedation

When you undergo sedation inside our Portage, MI, dental office, your safety is our top priority. During your visit, we closely monitor your heart rate and other vital signs to ensure that you are responding well to the medication and not experiencing any adverse side effects. Our experienced team is trained to recognize and manage any issues that may arise, allowing you to relax without worry. 

However, our concern for your well-being extends beyond the time you spend in our office. After certain types of sedation, it’s crucial to take precautions to ensure your safety once you leave. We strongly recommend that patients who have undergone moderate to deep sedation arrange for someone to drive them home. Additionally, we recommend that you avoid driving or engaging in any strenuous activities for at least 24 hours as the sedative effects can linger, which can then impair your coordination and judgment. 

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a smooth and safe recovery after your dental treatment.

Which Type of Sedation Should I Choose?

Selecting the right type of sedation depends on your comfort level, the complexity of the dental procedure, and your medical history. Before recommending any type of sedation, our dentists will thoroughly assess whether existing allergies or any other conditions may affect your candidacy. For pregnant patients, we recommend postponing any sedation until after delivery. 

Once all is carefully considered, our dentists can present you with the following options:

  • Laughing Gas: This is a form of mild dental sedation that helps you relax while remaining fully conscious. It is administered through a mask placed over your nose, and the effects wear off quickly after the procedure. Laughing gas is ideal for those who experience lower level dental anxiety or for shorter procedures. One of the major benefits is that you can drive yourself home afterward, as the effects dissipate almost immediately.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation (Pill Sedation): This involves taking a prescribed sedative pill before your appointment. While you remain awake, you’ll feel deeply relaxed and may have limited memory of the procedure. Oral conscious sedation is suitable for patients with moderate anxiety or those undergoing longer or more invasive procedures. Since the sedative effects can linger, you’ll need to arrange for a ride home and avoid certain activities until the effects fully wear off.
  • IV Sedation: This type of sedation is administered intravenously, allowing for a deeper level of sedation. It’s ideal for patients with severe anxiety, those undergoing complex dental work, or those who want to be more fully sedated during the procedure. The effects are stronger and take longer to wear off, so you’ll need to plan for a ride home and avoid strenuous activities for at least a day.

Ease Into Your Next Dental Visit

Getting through a dental procedure doesn’t have to be a battle anymore thanks to the options from our dental sedation dentists serving Portage and Greater Kalamazoo, MI. Call Sharp Smile Center today at (269) 344-4004 to talk about what might work for you and request an appointment.